Thursday 5 September 2024


Welcome to a new school year at EOI Caravaca!

Hope this course is full of good news. Our class blog will be devoted to C1 English online. Hope everything is off to a good start!

Lessons will be starting 9th September on Teams platform. Please make sure you have the instructions on how to sign in and access the online class.

Wednesday 12 June 2024



Here are some tips to help you when handing in a writing or in an exam:

Read the rubrics very carefully and follow them strictly:
-  topic and/or subtopics
- type of writing (a letter, argumentative, opinion essay, etc.)
- formal or informal register
-  number of words
-  number of paragraphs

Devote a few minutes to plan your writing: 
- ideas to develop (1 idea, 1 paragraph)
-  (advanced) connectors
- vocabulary & grammar you want to include: Choose specific vocabulary, phrases and grammar to use (conditionals, cleft sentences, inversion, a variety of tenses, etc.)

Do the writing.

Proofread your writing: 
spelling, intelligibility, repeated words or ideas.

Hand in

Tuesday 11 June 2024



Surely does not mean the same as certainly.

Surely is used to say that the speaker believes something in spite of reasons to believe the opposite.


They are certainly coming. (= I know they are coming.)

Surely they are coming? (= It looks like they are coming and I can’t believe it.)

sentences with surely often have question marks:

Surely you are quitting? I thought you would continue. (= I can’t believe that you are quitting.)

Surely that’s Peter over there? I thought he was in Switzerland.

When used with heavy stress, surely suggests that the speaker would like to believe something, but is beginning to lose hope.

Surely she is going to get a job? (= I would like to believe that she will get a job, but it looks like she will never.)

Surely there is somebody in the house? Why don’t they answer the phone?

Surely not is used to express difficulty in believing something.

Surely you are not quitting that job? (= I can’t believe that you are quitting that job.)
Surely you are not going out in that coat? (= I can’t believe that you are going out in that coat.)

In American English, surely is used in replies to mean ‘certainly’.

Could you lend me some money? Surely.
Do you want something to eat? I surely do.
The results are surely encouraging.

Revision activities